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Natural Condition Cleansing Foam Deep Clean 0004023_1
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The SaemNatural Condition Cleansing Foam Deep Clean

Pole saadaval
3 arvustust
Give your skin a deep cleansing of pores with the new product from the popular Korean natural cosmetics brand The Saem. Introducing Natural Condition Cleansing Foam Deep Clean, a micro-scrub that controls sebum and pores☀️. This powerful cleanser thoroughly cleanses your skin and removes harmful dust, make-up and even sunscreen at the same time. The cooling particles are gently applied to the skin, creating creamy bubbles 😍. The mild exfoliating ingredient from fruit acid improves the skin, creates a clean skin tone and brightens it. Slightly acidic cleansing foam that controls the balance of sebum, protects the skin and maintains its health🔆. Give your skin a real thorough cleansing💛!
After washing your hands, shake the foam until it forms a bulb. Then massage the skin. Wash with warm water.
Give your skin a deep cleansing of pores with the new product from the popular Korean natural cosmetics brand The Saem. Introducing Natural Condition Cleansing Foam Deep Clean, a micro-scrub that controls sebum and pores☀️. This powerful cleanser thoroughly cleanses your skin and removes harmful dust, make-up and even sunscreen at the same time. The cooling particles are gently applied to the skin, creating creamy bubbles 😍. The mild exfoliating ingredient from fruit acid improves the skin, creates a clean skin tone and brightens it. Slightly acidic cleansing foam that controls the balance of sebum, protects the skin and maintains its health🔆. Give your skin a real thorough cleansing💛!

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Natural Condition Cleansing Foam Deep Clean

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Kindlasti soovitan, kasutan paar korda nädalas sügavpuhastuseks, peale regulaarset kasutamist märkasin, et poorid pole nii ummistunud ja nähtavad, meeldiv lõhn ostab kindlasti uuesti :) :) :)

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Partizánske, Slovakia
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Väga tõhus, jätab naha pingul pärast loputamist. Aga see ei puhasta nii ideaalselt, vatipadi on ikka kergelt määrdunud. Nii et see sobib kaheastmeliseks puhastamiseks ja mitte kuivale nahale.

Kas sellest oli abi?Kasulik?
Vaata arvustus jäeti saidile ksisters.plNäita originaali
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Kasutan peale õliga puhastamist, aga mitte igapäevaselt. Isegi väikestes kogustes vahutab see nahal suurepäraselt. Minu naha üldine välimus on parem pärast 1-nädalast kasutamist

Kas sellest oli abi?Kasulik?
Vaata arvustus jäeti saidile ksisters.huNäita originaali
Pilis, Hungary
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